Course 7. Using Data Driven Approaches to Address Strategic Development Goals

This course has 5 short lectures.

Lecture 1: This lecture will discuss some fundamentals of data – why they are important, what they are used for, and the things we must remember when we handle and deploy data. These are basic concepts that will hopefully enrich our appreciation and understanding of data, and how they relate to things that matter to us.

Lecture 2: This discussion will introduce what data driven development (3D) is and the importance of data driven. The session will give some examples of 3D, the gaps in 3D and how we can bridge the gap. 

Lecture 3: The discussion will also provide an overview of the data that LGUs are required to collect under national policies. The discussion will provide a strategy on how to simplify data collection to meet the requirements for analysis and reporting. 

Lecture 4. This session will focus on 3D and Planning and Budgeting in LGUs. The session will cover 4 key aspects: Introduction to Planning and Budgeting and Data, Planning and Budgeting Process in LGUs, 3D Principles and Elements in Local Planning and Budgeting, and finally, an application workshop.   

Lecture 5. This session provides an overview of the Mandanas Garcia Ruling as a backdrop for data driven development at the local government level. The lecture discusses the challenges and opportunities of the Mandanas Ruling for LGU stakeholders. 

Certified-Edu · November 22, 2021
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Module TitleData Driven Development: An Introduction
Lecture 1: This lecture will discuss some fundamentals of data –
why they are important, what they are used for, and the things
we must remember when we handle and deploy data. These are
basic concepts that will hopefully enrich our appreciation and
understanding of data, and how they relate to things that matter
to us.

Lecture 2: This discussion will introduce what data-driven
development (3D) is and the importance of data driven. The
session will give some examples of 3D, the gaps in 3D and how
we can bridge the gap.

Lecture 3: The discussion will also provide an overview of the
data that LGUs are required to collect under national policies. The
discussion will provide a strategy on how to simplify data
collection to meet the requirements for analysis and reporting.

Lecture 4. This session will focus on 3D and Planning and
Budgeting in LGUs. The session will cover 4 key aspects:
Introduction to Planning and Budgeting and Data, Planning and
Budgeting Process in LGUs, 3D Principles and Elements in Local
Planning and Budgeting, and finally, an application workshop.

Lecture 5. This session provides an overview of the Mandanas
Garcia Ruling as a backdrop for data driven development at the
local government level. The lecture discusses the challenges and
opportunities of the Mandanas Ruling for LGU stakeholders.
1. Introduction to Data-Driven Development
    1.1 The Data Revolution
    1.2 The Trek from Data to Action
    1.3 Managing Data and Information
    1.4 Data Appreciation and Maturity
2. Data-Driven Development & the LGU
    2.1 What is Data-Driven Development (3D)?
    2.2 Example of 3D
    2.3 Gaps in 3D
    2.4 Bridging the gap
3. Nationally Mandated Data Collection and Reporting for LGUs
    3.1 CBMS
    3.2 DRRM
    3.3 Business and Urban Development
    3.4 Environment
    3.5 Health
    3.6 Labor
    3.7 Human Rights
    3.8 Agriculture
    3.9 Social Services and Education
    3.10 Gender
4. 3D and Planning and Planning and Budgeting in LGUs
    4.1 Introduction to Planning and Budgeting and Data
    4.2 Planning and Budgeting Process in LGUs
    4.3 3D Principles and Elements in Local Planning and Budgeting
5. 3D and the Mandanas-Garcia ruling
    5.1 Overview of the Mandanas ruling
    5.2 Opportunities
    5.3 Challenges
    5.4 What LGUs can do
    5.5 What can the public do
Ms. Jenina Joy Chavez

Dr. Laurence Go

Dr. Cielo Magno

Jowil Plecerda

Jessica Reyes-Cantos
Ms. Jenina Joy Chavez is a Senior Fellow of Action for Economic Reforms (AER), and currently, the Chief of Party of the Coalescing Organizations towards Locally Led Actions to Boost Development (COLLABDev), a partnership project of Action for Economic Reforms and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). COLLABDEV is a technical support initiative
that aims to promote human-centered data driven development and works with local government units, state universities and colleges and civil society organizations in ten project sites across the country. She also coordinates the Industrial Policy Program of AER.

She is also the Co-Convenor of the Right to Know. Right Now! Coalition, a network campaigning for the passage of the Freedom of Information law, and the promotion of FOI practice; and volunteers with the Working Group on Education for Economic Development, an informal network advocating for closer coordination among the government, industry, the education sector and academic/research community.

Dr. Laurence Go is a Fellow of Action for Economic Reforms and currently the Coordinator of AER’s Data-Driven Development Program. He previously worked on data solutions for the COVID-19 Action Network and AER’s Food and Agriculture Policy and Fiscal Policy Programs. He also worked with WeSolve to study COVID-19
procurement processes in the Philippines.

He obtained his economics PhD at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He leads the Development Data Lab of both the PH3D, a project co-financed by the European Union, and the COLLABDev project.

Dr. Cielo Magno is an Associate Professor of the University of the Philippines’ School of Economics and a Senior Fellow of Action for Economic Reforms. She leads the Policy Lab of the COLLABDev Project of AER. She is a regular lecturer of Gadjah Mada University’s Asia Pacific (ASPAC) Knowledge Hub Program. She completed her Masters degree in Economics from the University of the Philippines School of Economics and a PhD in Law and Public Policy from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.

She has worked as a consultant of the national government on various issues ranging from institutional analysis of minimum wage implementation in the country, political economy analysis of Civil Service Reforms, technical education reforms, grassroots participatory budgeting, and taxation of the extractive sector.

She has broad experience working with local governments, civil society and community organizations. Prior to joining the academe, she worked with local government leagues and served as Executive Director of the National Movement of Young Legislators, an association of local government legislators advocating for progressive policy reforms and greater subnational government autonomy. Dr. Magno has assisted national and local governments in implementing and improving programs that increase transparency, accountability and greater subnational government autonomy.

Jowil Plecerda is the Policy Lead of Action for Economic Reforms’ Philippines in 3D Project under its Data-Driven Development Program. He has 18+ years experience working in the Philippines with communities, civil society, and government at various levels covering the areas of innovation, training and capacity building, policy research and advocacy, technical assistance, and project and grants management. He is passionate about digital technology, community development and governance and his recent and current involvements include civic technology, the future of work and digital literacy and upskilling. He holds a Master in Public Administration from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore.

Jessica Reyes-Cantos or “Jeck” to friends is the President of Action for Economic Reforms and Co-convenor of Social Watch Philippines. She is the Partnerships Lead in Action for Economic Reforms’ COLLABDev Project and has an advisory role in AER’s Food and Agriculture Policy Program. She co-manages Social Watch’s People’s Public Finance Institute, which pushes for informed and participatory mechanisms in local public finance processes by building capacities of various stakeholders.

Jeck served as Chief of Staff of several legislators – former Senator Bobby Tañada, his son, Lorenzo “Erin” Tañada III both from Quezon Province, Del de Guzman of Marikina City and Rav Rocamora from the Province of Siquijor. She also had a 3-year stint in the National Poverty Commission as Chief of Staff of Secretary Joel Rocamora. She earned her Economics Degree from the UP School of Economics and is currently enrolled in the UP School of Urban and Regional Development’s graduate program.
World Bank 2021. World Development Report: Data for Better Lives.

World Bank 2018.Data Driven Development.

J. Reyes-Cantos 2021. The Mandanas Ruling: Shifting the Tide of
Local Autonomy

Coalescing Organizations Towards Locally Led Actions to Boost

Data-Driven Development in the Philippines.

Bigueras, R.T., Torio, J.O. and Palaoag, T.D., 2018. A Data-Driven
Architectural Framework for LGUs in Disaster Preparedness and
Management System. International Journal of Machine Learning and
Computing, 8(3).

Commission on Audit., 2014. Assessment of Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management (DRRM) at the Local Level.
Available at:
Assessment_of_DRRM_at_the_local_Level.pdf. Accessed on 20 April 2021.

Department of the Interior and Local Government/Bureau of Local
Government Development, 2008., Rationalizing the Local Planning
System, A Source Book 1st Edition,DILG, Quezon City.

Department of Interior and Local Government., 2008. Memorandum
Circular no. 2008-156: Guide to Comprehensive Development Plan
(CDP) Preparation for Local Government Unit
. Available at:
GOVERNMENT-UNIT/1251. Accessed on 20 April 2021.

Department of the Interior and Local Government., 2015,
Memorandum Circular No. 2015-77: Guidelines on Mainstreaming
Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Local
Development Planning
. Available at:
e9147d39be.pdf. Accessed on: 20 April 2021.

Department of the Interior and Local Government., 2016. Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 Series of 2016, DILG, Quezon City.
Available at: Accessed on 20 April 2021.

Department of the Interior and Local Government., 2016. Synchronized Local Planning and Budgeting Calendar, DILG, Quezon City. Available at: Accessed on 20 April 2021.

Department of Interior and Local Government., n.d. Guide to Ecological Profiling. Available at: Accessed on 20 April 2021.

Department of Interior and Local Government., n.d. Local Planning Illustrative Guide: Preparing And Updating The Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). Available at: Accessed on 20 April 2021.

League of Cities of the Philippines., 2020. Towards data-driven cities: The LCP City Database Experience.

National Information Society Agency., 2019. Knowledge Sharing Series on “Data-Driven Smart Government”. Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development. Available at: Accessed on 20 April 2021.

Torres, P., 2017, Negotiating the Maze of Local Development Planning, presentation distributed in the Conference on Strengthening LGU-Academe-Industry Partnerships at Visayas State University, Leyte on 9 August.

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