Action for Economic Reforms was founded in 1996 by a group of progressive scholars and activists in the Philippines. Action for Economic Reforms’ Core Programs are the following:

       i) Macroeconomic Policy with focus on fiscal issues

       ii) Health Care Reforms such as Sin Taxes and Universal Health Care

       iii) Freedom of Information

       iv) Industrial Policy

       v) Rice Tariffication and Liberalization

       vi) Monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals

 How we work

AER provides timely and sharp policy positions based on a solid grasp of economic, legal and political tools of analysis. Complex economic and governance issues are scrutinized with analytical, technical and political sophistication, carefully handling finer points such as timing, sequencing, policy mix, and tradeoffs.

AER’s independence and rigor enable it to credibly engage the various branches of government, social movements, academe, media, interest groups and international institutions. The organization employs a variety of forms to influence or change policy—research and analysis, lobby and dialogue, networking and coalition building, legal action, media work, publication, and public education. 

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Policy and Research Institute for Development (PRIDE)

The AER’s Policy & Research Institute for Development (AER-PRIDE) is a virtual repository of the knowledge products of AER. 

Through PRIDE, AER aims to democratize the access to materials that can inform and help shape public policies.