Course 2A. Data Literacy

Lecture 1: This course aims to provide a basic understanding of the concept of data, give examples, and differentiate the types of data that are commonly encountered. Additionally, this course will allow the participants to categorize data into machine-readable or non-machine-readable formats.

Lecture 2: This lecture aims to underline the benefits of data digitization, explain what factors should be considered when collecting data, and find the right approach of obtaining respondents through sampling methods.

Lecture 3: This session aims to expose learners to the concept and importance of data quality and provide a data quality assessment tool to evaluate the data quality of an organization’s databases. 

Lecture 4. This discussion presents the concepts and importance of data audit or data maturity assessment in institutionalizing a strong data culture in an organization and aims to encourage learners to conduct self-evaluation on data readiness through a data maturity assessment tool. 



Certified-Edu · November 17, 2021
Current Status
Not Enrolled
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After the lecture, the participants are expected to:
    1. Understand data and the concepts behind it.
    2. Identify different types of data and their examples.
    3. Categorize data into machine-readable or
        non-machine-readable format.
    4. Recognize benefits of transitioning from paper to
        digital surveys.
    5. Determine factors needed to be considered
        when collecting data digitally.
    6. Define sampling methods and identify sampling
        biases to avoid when doing digital surveys.
    7. Understand how to protect data by abiding with
        data privacy and security.
    8. Recognize the concept and importance of
        data quality in decision making.
    9. Understand the different aspects of data quality.
    10. Conduct a data quality assessment using the tool.
    11. Recognize the concepts and importance of data audit or
        maturity assessment in better institutionalization
        of data culture.
    12. Understand the pillars, components, and relevant
        indicators for evaluating data maturity
    13. Conduct a data maturity assessment using the tool.
1. Data Concepts
    1.1 Definition of Data
    1.2 Different Types of Data
    1.3 Examples of Data
2. Digital Data Collection
    2.1 Digital vs. Paper-based Collection
    2.2 Factors to Consider in Digital Data Collection
    2.3 Type of Sampling Biases
    2.4 Protecting Data Collected
3. Data Quality
    3.1 What and Why of Data Quality
    3.2 Data Quality Dimensions
    3.3 Data Quality Assessment
4. Data Audit
    4.1 What and Why of Data Audit or Data Maturity Assessment
    4.2 Data Maturity Assessment Framework
    4.3 Rapid Data Maturity Assessment Tool
    4.4 Levels of Data Maturity
    4.5 Improving the Level of Data Maturity
Jeddahlyn Gacera

Dr. Laurence Go

JC Peralta

Daffodil Santillan
Jeddahlyn Gacera is a Data Associate of Action for Economic
Reforms. She worked as an ETL consultant for 5 years and is
currently a Data Scientist at Accenture. There, she collaborates
with and delivers data-driven solutions to a leading financial
services provider in the country, and one of the biggest platform
companies in the world. She has a bachelor’s degree in
Mathematics from University of the Philippines Diliman, and a
master’s degree in Data Science from the Asian Institute of

Dr. Laurence Go is a Fellow of Action for Economic
Reforms and currently the Coordinator of AER’s Data-Driven
Development Program. He previously worked on data solutions
for the COVID-19 Action Network and AER’s Food and Agriculture
Policy and Fiscal Policy Programs. He also worked with WeSolve
to study COVID-19 procurement processes in the Philippines. He
obtained his economics PhD at the Wharton School, University
of Pennsylvania and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at
the Autònoma de Barcelona. He leads the Development Data
Lab of both COLLABDev and PH3D, a project co-financed by the
European Union.

JC Peralta is a Data Associate of Action for Economic Reforms
and a climate and data scientist in the energy industry. He
received his Masters in Atmospheric Science from ADMU in 2019
and has worked extensively with climate big data with focus on
the local dynamics and impacts of regional monsoons over the
Philippines and in Southeast Asia. He has been selected as one
of the mentors in the Oxford School of Climate Change 2021 and
has also worked on various projects in disaster science,
renewable energy, transport networks, data for social good,
and climate action advocacies.

Daffodil Santillan is a Data Associate of the PH3D Project co-
funded by the Action for Economic Reforms and the European
Union. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in
Development Economics at the School of Economics, University
of the Philippines Diliman. Previously, she served as a Chief
of Staff at the Social Security System (SSS) for five years.
Her research interests are in economic growth & government,
social welfare & income redistribution.

Data Basics by Coursera

Health Knowledge. 2021. Methods of sampling from a population.

Medium. 2021. Here’s our Visual Guide to Digital Data Collection (in the time of COVID19).,tablets%2C%20and%20other%20digital%20devices.

Shona McCombes.2019. An introduction to sampling methods.

Data Quality Assessment. Leo L. Pipino, Yang W. Lee, and Richard Y. Wang. April 2002/Vol. 45, No. 4ve COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 

UN Global Marketplace Data Quality Assessment Handbook

Data Quality Assessment Checklist (DQA) by USAID Learning Lab

Course Manual

Course 2:
Data Literacy Training –
Data Quality and Maturity

Facilitator’s Manual
For Virtual, Face-to-Face, and Hybrid Workshops

Download Review Notes In Filipino

Recommended Readings

Data Basics by Coursera

DeFranzo, W., 2021. The Great Debate: Paper Surveys vs. Online Surveys.

Health Knowledge. 2021. Methods of sampling from a population.

Medium. 2021. Here’s our Visual Guide to Digital Data Collection (in the time of COVID19).,tablets%2C%20and%20other%20digital%20devices.

Shona McCombes.2019. An introduction to sampling methods.

Data Quality Assessment. Leo L. Pipino, Yang W. Lee, and Richard Y. Wang. April 2002/Vol. 45, No. 4ve COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 

UN Global Marketplace Data Quality Assessment Handbook

Data Quality Assessment Checklist (DQA) by USAID Learning Lab

About Instructor

+87 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
  • 8 Quizzes